The Coptic Calendar Of Fasts And Feasts

Egyptian Christians Celebrate Coptic New Year Nayrouz Today Egyptian
Egyptian Christians Celebrate Coptic New Year Nayrouz Today Egyptian from


The Coptic Orthodox Church follows the Coptic Calendar, which is based on the ancient Egyptian calendar and is still in use today. This calendar has its own unique system of fasts and feasts, which are an important part of the spiritual life of Coptic Orthodox Christians. In this article, we will explore the Coptic Calendar of Fasts and Feasts in detail.

What is the Coptic Calendar?

The Coptic Calendar is a solar calendar, which means it is based on the position of the sun. It has 12 months of 30 days each, followed by an extra month of 5 or 6 days, depending on whether it is a leap year or not. The Coptic New Year falls on September 11th or 12th, depending on whether it is a leap year or not.

Question: How is the Coptic Calendar different from the Gregorian Calendar?

Answer: The Coptic Calendar has a different starting point and a different system of months and days. It also has its own set of fasts and feasts, which are based on the life of Jesus Christ and the saints of the Coptic Church.

What are the Fasts and Feasts of the Coptic Calendar?

The Coptic Calendar has four major fasts and many minor fasts. The major fasts are the Nativity Fast, the Great Lent, the Apostles’ Fast, and the Dormition Fast. These fasts are times of spiritual renewal and preparation for the major feasts of the church.

The feasts of the Coptic Calendar are also based on the life of Jesus Christ and the saints of the Coptic Church. The major feasts include the Nativity of Christ, the Epiphany, the Resurrection, the Ascension, and the Pentecost. There are also many minor feasts throughout the year, which commemorate the life and teachings of the saints.

Question: Why do Coptic Orthodox Christians fast?

Answer: Fasting is a way of purifying the body and the soul, and of drawing closer to God. It is a time of self-discipline and self-sacrifice, and a way of sharing in the suffering of Christ.

How are the Fasts and Feasts Observed?

The observance of the fasts and feasts of the Coptic Calendar varies depending on the individual and the community. However, there are certain traditions that are followed by most Coptic Orthodox Christians.

During the major fasts, Coptic Orthodox Christians abstain from certain foods and activities, such as meat, dairy, and marital relations. They also attend special services at church, which include prayers, hymns, and readings from the Bible.

During the major feasts, Coptic Orthodox Christians attend special services at church, which include prayers, hymns, and readings from the Bible. They also participate in other traditions, such as the lighting of candles, the exchange of greetings, and the sharing of food.

Question: Can non-Coptic Orthodox Christians participate in the fasts and feasts of the Coptic Calendar?

Answer: Yes, non-Coptic Orthodox Christians are welcome to participate in the fasts and feasts of the Coptic Calendar. However, it is important to respect the traditions and practices of the Coptic Orthodox Church, and to seek guidance from a priest or spiritual advisor.


The Coptic Calendar of Fasts and Feasts is a rich and vibrant tradition that has been passed down through the generations. It is a way of connecting with the ancient roots of the Coptic Orthodox Church, and of deepening one’s spiritual life. Whether one is a Coptic Orthodox Christian or simply interested in learning more about this fascinating tradition, there is much to discover and appreciate in the Coptic Calendar of Fasts and Feasts.

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