The Default Calendar In Google Calendar

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Google calendar default calendar on iPhone Vyte blog from

Google Calendar is an excellent tool for managing your schedule and keeping track of important events. One of the key features of Google Calendar is the ability to create and manage multiple calendars. In this article, we’ll take a look at the default calendar in Google Calendar and how you can use it to stay organized.

What is the Default Calendar?

The default calendar in Google Calendar is the primary calendar that is created when you sign up for a Google account. This calendar is used to store all of your events and appointments by default. You can create additional calendars for specific purposes, but the default calendar is always there to keep track of everything.

How Do I Access the Default Calendar?

To access your default calendar in Google Calendar, simply log in to your Google account and navigate to the Calendar app. Your default calendar will be displayed in the left-hand sidebar. You can click on it to view your schedule for the day, week, or month.

Can I Change the Name of the Default Calendar?

Yes, you can change the name of your default calendar in Google Calendar. To do so, simply click on the three dots next to the calendar name in the left-hand sidebar and select “Settings and sharing”. From there, you can change the name of the calendar to whatever you like.

Can I Change the Color of the Default Calendar?

Yes, you can change the color of your default calendar in Google Calendar. To do so, click on the three dots next to the calendar name in the left-hand sidebar and select “Settings and sharing”. From there, you can choose a new color for the calendar.

Can I Share My Default Calendar with Others?

Yes, you can share your default calendar with others in Google Calendar. To do so, click on the three dots next to the calendar name in the left-hand sidebar and select “Settings and sharing”. From there, you can add people to the calendar and choose their level of access (e.g. can view, can edit).

What Are Some Tips for Using the Default Calendar?

Here are some tips for using the default calendar in Google Calendar:

1. Set Reminders

Make sure to set reminders for all of your events and appointments. This will help ensure that you don’t miss anything important.

2. Use Different Colors

Assign different colors to different types of events (e.g. work, personal, social) to help you quickly and easily identify them on your calendar.

3. Create Recurring Events

If you have events or appointments that occur on a regular basis (e.g. weekly meetings), create a recurring event to save time.

4. Share Your Calendar

If you work with others or have family members who need to stay up-to-date on your schedule, share your calendar with them.

5. Use the Mobile App

Make sure to download the Google Calendar mobile app so you can access your schedule on-the-go.


The default calendar in Google Calendar is an essential tool for staying organized and managing your schedule. By taking advantage of its features, you can ensure that you never miss an important event or appointment.

Question and Answer

Q. Can I delete the default calendar in Google Calendar?

A. No, you cannot delete the default calendar in Google Calendar. However, you can hide it by unchecking the box next to its name in the left-hand sidebar.

Q. Can I change the time zone for my default calendar?

A. Yes, you can change the time zone for your default calendar in Google Calendar. To do so, click on the three dots next to the calendar name in the left-hand sidebar and select “Settings and sharing”. From there, you can choose a new time zone for the calendar.

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