Farm Share Food Distribution Calendar: A Comprehensive Guide

South Florida Food Distribution Calendar Your South Florida Community
South Florida Food Distribution Calendar Your South Florida Community from


Are you looking for a reliable source of fresh produce? Do you want to support local farmers while enjoying nutritious and delicious food? If so, you might want to consider joining a farm share program. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about farm share food distribution calendars, including what they are, how they work, and why they matter. Whether you’re a seasoned farm share member or a curious beginner, you’re sure to find some valuable insights here.

What is a Farm Share?

A farm share, also known as Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), is a program in which individuals or families buy a share of a local farm’s harvest in advance. This allows farmers to plan their crops and finances ahead of time, while providing members with a steady supply of fresh, seasonal produce throughout the growing season. Most farm shares operate on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, with members picking up their shares at designated locations or directly from the farm.

How Does a Farm Share Work?

Each farm share program operates differently, but here are some common features:

  • Members pay a fee upfront for a share of the harvest, typically in the range of $300 to $600 for a season.
  • Members receive a regular delivery or pick-up of fresh produce, usually enough for 2-4 people for a week.
  • The contents of each share vary depending on what’s in season and what the farm has available, but typically include a mix of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and sometimes eggs, dairy, or meat.
  • Members may have the option to customize their share or add extra items for an additional cost.
  • Farm shares usually run from late spring or early summer to late fall, with some offering winter shares as well.

Why Join a Farm Share?

Here are some reasons why joining a farm share can be a great choice:

  • You’ll get access to fresh, locally grown produce that’s picked at its peak ripeness and flavor.
  • You’ll support small-scale farmers in your community and help to sustain local agriculture.
  • You’ll learn about seasonal eating and try new foods and recipes.
  • You’ll reduce your carbon footprint by eating food that doesn’t have to travel long distances to reach you.
  • You’ll save money on groceries in the long run, especially if you cook at home more often and waste less food.

How to Find a Farm Share Program?

If you’re interested in joining a farm share program, here are some ways to find one:

  • Ask around in your community or among your friends and family.
  • Search online for farm shares in your area, using websites like or
  • Visit your local farmers market and ask vendors if they offer farm shares.
  • Check with your workplace, school, or place of worship to see if they have a farm share program or would be interested in starting one.

How to Use a Farm Share Distribution Calendar?

Once you’ve signed up for a farm share program, you’ll receive a distribution calendar that outlines the dates and locations of your pick-ups or deliveries. Here are some tips for using a farm share distribution calendar:

  • Mark the dates on your calendar or set reminders on your phone to avoid missing a pick-up or delivery.
  • Check the contents of your share in advance, if possible, to plan your meals and make a grocery list.
  • Bring reusable bags or containers to transport your produce and reduce waste.
  • Be prepared to try new foods and experiment with recipes that use seasonal ingredients.

Question and Answer

Q: What if I don’t like certain vegetables or have dietary restrictions?

A: Most farm share programs allow you to specify preferences or allergies when you sign up, and some even offer options like a fruit-only share or a gluten-free share. However, keep in mind that farm shares are designed to provide a variety of fresh, seasonal produce, so you may encounter some unfamiliar or challenging items. You can always trade or share items with other members, or donate them to a food bank or community organization.

Q: What if I can’t pick up my share on the designated day or location?

A: Many farm share programs have some flexibility in their pick-up arrangements, such as allowing you to switch to a different day or location with advance notice. Some may also offer home delivery for an extra fee. However, it’s important to communicate with the farm or the program coordinator as soon as possible if you need to make a change or arrange for someone else to pick up your share.

Q: How do I store and preserve my farm share produce?

A: Different types of produce have different storage requirements, but here are some general tips:

  • Wash and dry your produce thoroughly before storing it.
  • Store leafy greens and herbs in a plastic bag with a damp paper towel to keep them fresh.
  • Store root vegetables and onions in a cool, dark, and dry place, such as a pantry or cellar.
  • Store fruits and tomatoes at room temperature until they’re ripe, then refrigerate them to prolong their freshness.
  • Consider preserving excess produce by canning, freezing, or dehydrating it.


Joining a farm share program can be a rewarding and enriching experience, both for your health and your community. By understanding how farm share food distribution calendars work and how to make the most of them, you can enjoy a steady supply of fresh and delicious produce while supporting local farmers and reducing your impact on the environment. So why not give it a try?

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