How To Add Event On Click In Full Calendar – A Complete Guide

javascript How to add any event in fullcalendar on click of button
javascript How to add any event in fullcalendar on click of button from


If you are looking to create a calendar application for your website or web application, there is no better option than Full Calendar. It is a powerful JavaScript library that provides a wide range of features to create and manage events on a calendar. In this article, we will discuss how to add an event on click in Full Calendar. We will go through the steps required to implement this feature and answer some common questions related to Full Calendar.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Set Up Full Calendar

The first step is to set up Full Calendar on your website or web application. You can download the library from the official website or use a CDN. Once you have included the required files, you need to create a container element where the calendar will be displayed. You can use a div element with an id for this purpose.

Step 2: Create an Event

The next step is to create an event that will be displayed on the calendar. You can use the Event Object provided by Full Calendar to create an event. You need to specify the start and end time, title, and other optional parameters such as description, background color, and text color.

Step 3: Add Event to Calendar

After creating an event, you need to add it to the calendar. You can use the addEvent method provided by Full Calendar to add the event to the calendar. You need to pass the event object as a parameter to this method.

Step 4: Handle Click Event

The final step is to handle the click event on the calendar. You can use the select callback provided by Full Calendar to handle the click event. This callback is called when the user clicks on a day or time slot on the calendar. Inside this callback, you can create a new event and add it to the calendar using the addEvent method.

Question and Answer

Q. How can I customize the appearance of the event on the calendar?

A. Full Calendar provides several options to customize the appearance of the event on the calendar. You can use the eventRender callback to modify the HTML and CSS of the event. You can also use the eventColor and eventTextColor options to set the background and text color of the event.

Q. Can I edit or delete an existing event on the calendar?

A. Yes, you can edit or delete an existing event on the calendar. Full Calendar provides several methods to handle these operations. You can use the updateEvent method to update an existing event. You can use the removeEvent method to delete an event from the calendar.

Q. How can I handle multiple events on the same day or time slot?

A. Full Calendar provides several options to handle multiple events on the same day or time slot. You can use the eventOverlap and eventConstraint options to control the behavior of events when they overlap or conflict with each other. You can also use the eventLimit and eventLimitClick options to control the display of events when there are too many events on the same day or time slot.


Adding an event on click in Full Calendar is a simple and straightforward process. With the help of this guide, you can easily implement this feature on your website or web application. Full Calendar provides a wide range of features to create and manage events on a calendar. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below.

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