Google Calendar Not Syncing With Outlook 365: A Guide For 2023

Why Is Shared Calendar Not Syncing with Outlook?
Why Is Shared Calendar Not Syncing with Outlook? from

The Problem: Why Won’t Google Calendar and Outlook 365 Sync?

Are you having trouble syncing your Google Calendar with Outlook 365? You’re not alone. This problem has been plaguing users for years, and it’s not always clear why it happens.

One possible cause is conflicting calendar settings. If you have multiple calendars set up in both Google and Outlook, it’s possible that one of them is not configured correctly. Another possibility is that there’s a problem with your internet connection or your device’s settings.

Whatever the cause, the result is the same: your calendar events don’t show up in both places, which can be frustrating and even lead to missed appointments.

The Solution: How to Fix the Syncing Problem

Fortunately, there are several ways to fix the syncing problem and get your calendar events to show up in both Google and Outlook. Here are some steps you can take:

Step 1: Check Your Calendar Settings

The first thing to do is to make sure that your calendar settings are set up correctly. In Google Calendar, go to Settings > Calendars and make sure that all of your calendars are selected to be visible. In Outlook, go to File > Options > Calendar and make sure that the “Internet Calendar” option is checked.

Step 2: Refresh Your Calendar

If your calendars are set up correctly but you’re still having problems, try refreshing your calendar. In Google Calendar, click the three dots next to your calendar and select “Refresh.” In Outlook, go to the “Send/Receive” tab and click “Update Folder.”

Step 3: Check Your Internet Connection

If refreshing your calendar doesn’t work, it’s possible that there’s a problem with your internet connection. Make sure that you’re connected to the internet and that your device’s settings are configured correctly.

Step 4: Use a Third-Party App

If none of these solutions work, you can try using a third-party app to sync your Google Calendar with Outlook. Some popular options include Sync2, Calendar Sync Pro, and gSyncit.

Question and Answer:

Q: Why is my Google Calendar not syncing with Outlook?

A: There are several possible causes for this problem, including conflicting calendar settings, internet connection issues, and device settings. Try checking your calendar settings, refreshing your calendar, checking your internet connection, and using a third-party app if necessary.

Q: Can I sync my Google Calendar with Outlook on my phone?

A: Yes, you can sync your Google Calendar with Outlook on your phone. The process may vary depending on your device and operating system, but there are several apps available that can help you do this.

Q: What are some third-party apps that can help me sync my Google Calendar with Outlook?

A: Some popular third-party apps for syncing Google Calendar with Outlook include Sync2, Calendar Sync Pro, and gSyncit. These apps can help you overcome syncing issues and ensure that your calendar events show up in both places.


If you’re having trouble syncing your Google Calendar with Outlook 365, don’t give up hope. By following the steps outlined in this guide and using the right tools and apps, you can overcome syncing issues and ensure that your calendar events always show up in both places. Happy syncing!

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