Google Calendar Proposes New Time – What You Need To Know

G Suite Tips Propose a New Meeting Time in Google Calendar
G Suite Tips Propose a New Meeting Time in Google Calendar from

Google Calendar has recently proposed a new feature that aims to make scheduling meetings and events easier for everyone. The proposed feature allows users to suggest a new time for a meeting, instead of just accepting or declining the invitation. In this article, we will discuss the new feature in detail and answer some commonly asked questions.

How Does the New Feature Work?

When a meeting invitation is sent, there will be an option to propose a new time. If the invitee cannot make it to the original meeting time, they can suggest an alternative time that works for them. The meeting organizer will then receive the proposed time and can either accept it or suggest another time. This process can continue until a mutually convenient time is found.

What Are the Benefits of the New Feature?

The new feature provides a more flexible way of scheduling meetings, especially when dealing with different time zones or conflicting schedules. It also reduces the back-and-forth emails or messages that usually happen when trying to find a suitable time for everyone.

How Can You Enable the New Feature?

The feature is still in the proposal stage, but you can enable it by signing up for the Google Calendar Beta program. Once you have access to the beta version, you can try out the new feature and provide feedback to Google.

Question and Answer

Q: Is the New Feature Available for Everyone?

A: The feature is not yet available to the general public, but you can sign up for the beta program to test it out.

Q: Can I Propose a New Time for a Meeting I Am Not Attending?

A: No, only invitees can propose a new time. However, the meeting organizer can suggest a different time if they cannot make it to the original meeting.

Q: Will the New Feature Work for Meetings with External Participants?

A: As long as the external participant is using Google Calendar, the new feature should work. However, if they are using a different calendar app, they may not be able to propose a new time.

Q: Can I Disable the New Feature?

A: The new feature is optional, and you can choose not to use it. If you do not want to receive proposed new times, you can decline them or turn off the feature in your settings.


The proposed new time feature in Google Calendar is a game-changer for scheduling meetings and events. It provides a more flexible and efficient way of finding a mutually convenient time, especially when dealing with different time zones or conflicting schedules. Although it is not yet available to the general public, you can sign up for the beta program to try it out and provide feedback to Google.

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