How To Create A Shared Calendar In Outlook

How to create a shared calendar outlook 2003 oceanbetta
How to create a shared calendar outlook 2003 oceanbetta from


Outlook is a popular email and calendar application used by many businesses and individuals. One of the useful features of Outlook is the ability to share calendars with others. This can be particularly helpful when working in a team or coordinating events with others. In this article, we will walk through the steps to create a shared calendar in Outlook.

Step 1: Create a New Calendar

The first step is to create a new calendar. To do this, open Outlook and click on the “Calendar” tab at the bottom of the screen. Then, click on “New Calendar” in the top left corner. Give your calendar a name and choose a color to make it easily distinguishable from other calendars.

Step 2: Share Your Calendar

Now that you have created your calendar, it’s time to share it with others. To do this, right-click on the calendar you just created and select “Sharing Permissions”. In the window that appears, click on “Add” to add the people you want to share the calendar with.


What level of permissions should you give to those you are sharing the calendar with?


This depends on what you want the people you are sharing the calendar with to be able to do. If you only want them to be able to view the calendar, give them “Reviewer” permissions. If you want them to be able to make changes to the calendar, give them “Editor” permissions.

Step 3: Set Permissions

Once you have added the people you want to share the calendar with, you can set their permissions. Select the person’s name from the list and choose the level of permission you want to give them from the drop-down menu. You can also set a password for the calendar if you want to restrict access further.

Step 4: Send the Invitation

After you have set the permissions, click “OK” to close the “Sharing Permissions” window. You will now see the names of the people you are sharing the calendar with in the “Permissions” section of the calendar settings. To send them an invitation to view the calendar, click on “Email Calendar” in the top left corner and choose the calendar you want to share. You can customize the email message and choose the level of detail you want to include in the calendar.

Step 5: Accept the Invitation

Once you have sent the invitation, the people you invited will receive an email with a link to the calendar. They can click on the link to view the calendar and accept the invitation. Once they have accepted the invitation, they will be able to view and edit the calendar from their own Outlook account.


Creating a shared calendar in Outlook is a useful feature for businesses and individuals who need to coordinate events or work in a team. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily create and share a calendar with others. Remember to set the appropriate permissions and send invitations to ensure everyone has the access they need.


Can you share a calendar with someone who doesn’t have an Outlook account?


No, you cannot share a calendar with someone who doesn’t have an Outlook account. They will need to create an account or use a different calendar application to view the calendar.

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