How To Forward A Google Calendar Invite

How to Send a Google Calendar Invite from a PC, Android or iPhone Apps
How to Send a Google Calendar Invite from a PC, Android or iPhone Apps from

How to Forward a Google Calendar Invite

If you’re looking to forward a Google Calendar invite to someone else, it’s actually a pretty easy process. Whether you want to share a meeting with a colleague or family member, or just want to let someone know about your upcoming event, here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Open Google Calendar

The first thing you’ll need to do is open Google Calendar. This can be done through your web browser or through the Google Calendar app on your phone or tablet.

Step 2: Find the event you want to forward

Next, find the event you want to forward in your calendar. You can do this by scrolling through your calendar or by using the search function to find the event by name or date.

Step 3: Click on the event

Once you’ve located the event, click on it to open up the event details.

Step 4: Click on the “More Actions” button

In the event details screen, you’ll see a “More Actions” button at the top of the screen. Click on this button to reveal a dropdown menu.

Step 5: Click on “Forward”

From the dropdown menu, select “Forward” to open up a new email with the event details included.

Step 6: Add the recipient

In the new email, add the email address of the person you want to forward the event to in the “To” field.

Step 7: Add a message (optional)

If you want to include a message with the forwarded event, you can add it in the body of the email.

Step 8: Click “Send”

Once you’ve added the recipient and any message you want to include, click “Send” to forward the event to the recipient.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I forward multiple events at once?

A: Yes, you can forward multiple events at once by selecting them in your calendar and clicking the “More Actions” button, then selecting “Forward”.

Q: Will the recipient be able to edit the event details?

A: It depends on how you forward the event. If you forward the event as an invitation, the recipient will be able to edit the details. If you forward the event as a copy, the recipient will not be able to edit the details.

Q: Can I forward an event to someone who doesn’t have a Google account?

A: Yes, you can forward the event to any email address, regardless of whether or not the recipient has a Google account.

See also Core Event Calendar: A Comprehensive Guide

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