How To Share Your Outlook Calendar With Others

Sharing Calendars in Outlook TechMD
Sharing Calendars in Outlook TechMD from

Outlook is a powerful tool for managing your schedule, but it can be even more useful if you share your calendar with others. Whether you’re working on a team project, coordinating schedules with family and friends, or simply need to keep your colleagues in the loop, sharing your calendar is a great way to stay organized and on top of your commitments.

Why Share Your Outlook Calendar?

Sharing your Outlook calendar has many benefits. For one, it allows others to see when you’re available, so they can schedule meetings and appointments around your schedule. It also helps you avoid double-bookings and conflicts, since everyone can see when you’re already busy.

Additionally, sharing your calendar can improve communication and collaboration. When your team members can see what you’re working on, they can plan their own projects more effectively. And when you’re able to see their schedules, you can better coordinate tasks and deadlines.

How to Share Your Outlook Calendar

Sharing your Outlook calendar is easy. Here’s how:

  1. Open Outlook and go to your calendar.
  2. Right-click on the calendar you want to share and select “Sharing Permissions”.
  3. In the Permissions window, click the “Add” button to add people you want to share with.
  4. Select the person or group you want to share with from your address book, and click “Add”.
  5. Choose the level of permission you want to grant. You can give someone “Editor” permissions, which allows them to add and edit events, or “Reviewer” permissions, which only allows them to view your calendar.
  6. Click “OK” to save your changes.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I share my calendar with people outside my organization?

A: Yes, you can share your calendar with anyone who has an email address. However, you may need to adjust your sharing settings to allow external users to access your calendar.

Q: Can I choose which events to share on my calendar?

A: Yes, you can mark individual events as “Private” to prevent others from seeing the details. However, they will still be able to see that you’re busy during that time.

Q: Can I revoke someone’s access to my calendar?

A: Yes, you can remove someone’s permissions at any time by going back to the “Sharing Permissions” window and selecting their name. Then, simply click “Remove” to revoke their access.

Tips for Sharing Your Outlook Calendar

Here are some additional tips to help you make the most of your shared calendar:

  • Be clear about your availability. If you have a lot of meetings or appointments, make sure to mark them on your calendar so others can see when you’re free.
  • Update your calendar regularly. Make sure to add new events and remove old ones as soon as possible, to keep everyone up-to-date.
  • Use color-coding. Assign different colors to different types of events (e.g. blue for work meetings, green for personal appointments) to make your calendar easier to read.


Sharing your Outlook calendar can help you stay organized, avoid conflicts, and improve collaboration with colleagues. With these simple steps, you can easily share your calendar with others and start reaping the benefits of better scheduling and communication.

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