St Augustine Grass Maintenance Calendar: Tips For A Lush Lawn

Timing is key to a beautiful lawn UGA Extension Madison County
Timing is key to a beautiful lawn UGA Extension Madison County from


If you live in a warm climate, St Augustine grass is an excellent choice for your lawn. This grass type is known for its thick, lush blades that create a beautiful green carpet. However, to keep your St Augustine grass looking its best, you need to follow a maintenance calendar that takes into account the specific needs of this grass. In this article, we’ll go over the essential tasks you need to perform throughout the year to ensure your St Augustine grass stays healthy and vibrant.


Q: What should I do in the spring to ensure my St Augustine grass thrives?

A: Spring is the time when your St Augustine grass begins to emerge from dormancy. To help your grass grow strong, you should perform the following tasks:

  • Aerate your lawn to loosen compacted soil and improve the flow of water and nutrients to the roots.
  • Fertilize your lawn with a balanced fertilizer that contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.
  • Apply a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent the growth of weeds.


Q: How should I care for my St Augustine grass during the hot summer months?

A: Summer is when St Augustine grass thrives, but it can also be a challenging time for this grass type. To keep your lawn healthy during this season, you should:

  • Mow your lawn to the right height. St Augustine grass should be cut to a height of 3-4 inches during the summer months.
  • Water your lawn deeply once a week to encourage deep root growth.
  • Apply a slow-release fertilizer to provide your grass with the nutrients it needs to thrive.


Q: What should I do in the fall to prepare my St Augustine grass for winter?

A: Fall is the time when St Augustine grass begins to prepare for its dormant period. To help your grass survive the winter and come back strong in the spring, you should:

  • Aerate your lawn to loosen compacted soil and improve drainage.
  • Fertilize your lawn with a high-phosphorus fertilizer to encourage root growth.
  • Rake up leaves and other debris to prevent them from smothering your lawn.


Q: How should I care for my St Augustine grass during the winter months?

A: Winter is the time when St Augustine grass goes dormant. While there’s not much you can do to help your grass grow during this time, you should:

  • Mow your lawn to a height of 2-3 inches to prevent it from becoming too long and harboring pests.
  • Water your lawn once a month to prevent it from drying out completely.
  • Avoid walking on your lawn when it’s frozen or covered in snow to prevent damage to the grass blades.


By following this St Augustine grass maintenance calendar, you can ensure that your lawn stays healthy and beautiful throughout the year. Remember to aerate, fertilize, and water your lawn regularly, and to mow it to the right height for each season. With a little bit of care and attention, your St Augustine grass will be the envy of your neighborhood!

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