The Controversial University Of Cambridge Naked Calendar

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The University of Cambridge is one of the most prestigious universities in the world. It is known for its academic excellence and rich history. However, in recent years, it has gained attention for a controversial tradition – the University of Cambridge Naked Calendar. This calendar is an annual fundraising project that features photos of Cambridge students posing nude or semi-nude.

History of the Naked Calendar

The first University of Cambridge Naked Calendar was created in 1999 by a group of students who wanted to raise money for charity. The idea was inspired by a similar calendar created by the women’s rowing team at the University of Warwick. The first calendar was a huge success, and it has since become an annual tradition.

The Controversy

The University of Cambridge Naked Calendar has been the subject of controversy since its inception. Some people argue that it is objectifying and exploitative of the students who participate in it. Others believe that it is a harmless way to raise money for charity.


What charities does the University of Cambridge Naked Calendar support?

The calendar supports a different charity each year. In the past, it has supported organizations such as the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, and the Alzheimer’s Society.

Who can participate in the University of Cambridge Naked Calendar?

Any student at the University of Cambridge can participate in the calendar. However, the organizers emphasize that participation is voluntary and that students should only participate if they are comfortable doing so.

Is the University of Cambridge Naked Calendar only for men?

No, the calendar features both male and female students. However, some people have criticized the fact that the calendar tends to feature more male students than female students.

The Debate

The debate over the University of Cambridge Naked Calendar has been ongoing for years. Supporters argue that it is a fun and harmless way to raise money for charity. They also argue that the students who participate in the calendar are empowered and not objectified.

Opponents, on the other hand, argue that the calendar is exploitative and objectifying of the students who participate in it. They argue that the calendar perpetuates harmful stereotypes about gender and sexuality.

The Future of the University of Cambridge Naked Calendar

The future of the University of Cambridge Naked Calendar is uncertain. While it has been a successful fundraising project for many years, it has also been the subject of controversy and criticism. Some people believe that it is time to retire the calendar and find other ways to raise money for charity. Others believe that the calendar should continue, but that changes should be made to make it more inclusive and less objectifying.


The University of Cambridge Naked Calendar is a controversial tradition that has sparked debate and discussion. While it has been successful in raising money for charity, it has also been criticized for objectifying and exploiting the students who participate in it. The future of the calendar is uncertain, but one thing is clear – the debate over the calendar will continue for years to come.

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